Case Studies

EML Payments future-state proposition design

EML partnered with Outfoxed to define future-state product propositions and experiences that create alignment across global markets whilst supporting a growth path.

Macro trends, customer segmentation, qualitative customer insights as well as ideation and alignment sessions uncovered 10 x global CVP opportunities.

From more than 10 global propositions, 3 were further developed and validated with clients, and the top 2 ranked propositions were taken into prototyping, supported with a 3-year strategic product roadmap including technology enablers.

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EML Payments future-state proposition design

EML partnered with Outfoxed to define future-state product propositions and experiences that create alignment across global markets whilst supporting a growth path.

Macro trends, customer segmentation, qualitative customer insights as well as ideation and alignment sessions uncovered 10 x global CVP opportunities.

From more than 10 global propositions, 3 were further developed and validated with clients, and the top 2 ranked propositions were taken into prototyping, supported with a 3-year strategic product roadmap including technology enablers.

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